Shoulder of fortune…


Shoulder of fortune...

I last made this dish back in March (recipe March 30th) but I have always only ever done previously cooked it with a leg – but a good friend of mine – a lovely lady called Liza – let me, very kindly, have a shoulder of lamb from one of her own recently slaughtered beasts. And it was tremendous – cooking lamb straight on the rack for me is one of, if not the best, ways to treat this fine meat. It went in for 3 hours on 160c. Perfection. It oozed taste and succulence. Below it, I had popped the leeks, chopped, 2 red onions sliced and 5 cloves of garlic, halved in a tray of olive oil and roasted then for 10 minutes before adding bay leaves, a bouquet garni and 2 tins of drained cannellini beans this time, plus 1 and a half litres of chicken stock. It sat under the lamb and caught all its fabulous juices. I had scored the lamb first and rubbed in a garam masala mix, which gave it a wonderful warmth for a Sunday.

If you have never tried it – please, please do! It is magical.


IMG_4494All the good things in life on a plate…

11 thoughts on “Shoulder of fortune…

  1. Shoulder of lamb is my favourite cut, it’s always so tender. It’s actually not that easy to get hold of decent cuts of lamb here, although beef and pork are readily available. I will try this when I’m home later in the year!
    Jane x


  2. Lovely. Excellent headline and a nice dish. I read a recipe in a leading Irish paper over the weekend that suggested one could feed 8 to 10 people from one shoulder. Big sheep!


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